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Turning North to Galilee

Mr. Fiorella

After navigating a peanut with three bendaryl as a result of misfire at a tiny empanada joint last night, we set out north for the region of Galilee where Jesus' hidden life and the majority of his ministry took place. Our first stop was Nazareth where we walked through the Basilica of the Annunciation and St. Joseph's Church. Deep and shadowy grottos, partially salvaged 4th century chapels and Byzantine mosaics commissioned by Constantine abounded in these holy places teeming with Christian tourists and pilgrims.

After a dish of pasta from a local eatery we jumped back into our car and headed in the direction of Capernaum, a large fishing town at the shore of the Sea of Galilee (which is actually a lake by the way). But before reaching our destination we tested the mettle of our modest vehicle and climbed up Mount Tabor where Jesus' Transfiguration took place-See Mark 9:2-13. There we were treated to a number of breathtaking views of the Galilean countryside, see the image posted below. Because we lingered to closing time we had to race to Capernaum, arriving just in time to view the ruins of homes complete with wine cellars and bedrooms surrounded a white stoned Synagogue at the neighborhood's center. Nearest to the water was St. Peter's home with a modern octogonal shaped church operated by the Franciscans. As the sun set we hopped over to Bethsaida, which was another impressive town in its days between the 10th century BCE and 4th century CE. Here were the homes of several of Jesus' apostles and perhaps once Jesus' home as well

Additional Notes:

-Adam's driving skills were above average. He used his horn generously. Although unfortunately we learned about parking restrictions in Nazareth the hard way.

-It felt good to be moving without walking today. It gave our feet a bit of a rest after much walking the past three days. Injuries have been avoided and we hope our luck in that department (and all departments) continues.

-One of the lighter highlights was the Israeli radiostation we had playing during our ride. At times it would kick, making the sound of a small kitty tooting.

-Our first camel sighting came miles outside Jerusalem. What would you rather not run into with your car? A camel or a moose?...The consensus in our vehicle was the moose. Your thoughts?

Tomorrow: Hiking hills and ridges in Galilee.

Looking south from the summit of Mount Tabor.


2 comentarios

Charles McCann
Charles McCann
22 feb 2019

On a serious note, I hope you are enjoying the trip. I'm enjoying reading your accounts of this breathtaking adventure. Stay safe and see you soon.

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Charles McCann
Charles McCann
22 feb 2019

Mr. Fiorella! Mount Tabor is in New Jersey! You have eluded us!

Me gusta
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