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More High Lookouts in Galilee and a Hike in Haifa

Mr. Fiorella

After a restful nights sleep, we made a short visit to Biet Yigal Allon, the Ancient Boat Museum that housed an actual fishing boat from the time of Jesus in the 1st century. This partially salvaged vessel on display could have been used by anyone. Perhaps a Jewish rebel turned it into a warship when fighting the Romans during the Jewish and Roman Revolt. Perhaps a regular fisherman used it to make his living. Or maybe on the slightest of chances Jesus himself used this boat. We can never be sure.

The salvaged remains of a 1st century boat used for fishing on the Sea of Galilee

We then headed to a number of locations significant to the Gospels-the place (Church of the Multiplication in Togbha) considered to be where Jesus fed 5,000 and then 4,000 (The first miracle, "Feeding of the 5,000", is reported by all four gospels (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:1-14). The second miracle, the "Feeding of the 4,000", with seven loaves of bread and fish, is reported by Matthew 15:32-39 and Mark 8:1-9, but not by Luke or John.-See Wikipedia, it's getting late here and I'm exhausted), the place (St. Peter's Church) dedicated to the official primacy of St. Peter (Mt. 16:18, John 21:15-17, etc), and the place (Beatitudes Monastery) where Jesus taught the Beatitudes (Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6: 17-49).

A quick dish of Schnitzel and we made our way to Mount Arbel situated nearly 1,000 feet above sea level. The image above is one of many from our walk along the edge of the cliffs. Flowers of a variety of different colors peppered the large swaiths of grass on the mountain top, making our time rambling on Arbel that much more sublime. A two hours drive West got us to Haifa where we explored the Baha'i Gardens, the German Colony, and the monastary, Stella Maris.

Additional notes:

-Hyrexes kept close watch as they sunbathed on the crags below us. Hyrexes are related to, of all animals, elephants.

-Again Mr. Baber's athleticism and diligence at the wheel get us from point A to B to C to D to E to F and finally back to Jerusalem. Well done, Mr. Baber.

-Fun fact: there is a less than zero percent chance that we saw a fishing boat Jesus too would have at least laid eyes on when he was walking the earth.

-KAN88 is a serviceable radiostation...unless you catch their hour featuring only music from "The Police."

Tomorrow: Bethlehem and a Skype Session with Mr. Fiorella's classes!



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