Challenge: Forge your own myth based on Joseph Campbell's "Four Functions of Myth"
***Use the guiding questions below to help you incorporate each function!!!
What is the meaning of the universe?
What is humanity’s purpose in the universe?
How did is begin?
What about the vast universe makes it so mysterious and wondrous?
How is nature ordered?
Think about your science classes or even your favorite animals. How are they shaped and how do they exist.
How was humanity created?
How is society structured?
Matriarchy, patriarchy?
How do people in society interact, function among each other?
How are we humans supposed to live?
What brings happiness?
Brandon Maniego
Many centuries ago when there was nothing, there was Sanda and Hundra. They were very powerful gods and gave birth to Mandra, a god who had the gracious bucket, that was filled with everlasting water. With all their powers combined, they created a place called Earth. Mundra took the gracious bucket and pour the water on the Earth, and the oceans were made. Sanda and Hundra used their powers and without rest created land. With the land created they were able introduced animals and trees. They later took large rocks and placed it on the Earth, and mountains were made.
When they were finally finished the three gods were satisfy with what they had made, but felt there was something missing. All of them realized in that moment to create the thing called humans to live on the Earth. Sanda and Handra took clay and shaped the humans, and Mandra then poured water on to them. The gods sent the humans to Earth so they could live on it, but they realized the humans were poorly made. The humans need guidance to learn what was right from wrong. Mandra created a set of rules for the humans to follow called the God’s Plan.
With the God’s Plan, it told the humans there would be happiness if they cared and helped one another. That hate and hurting others wasn’t the answer. That doing this would please the Gods and happiness would be everlasting. From then on the humans followed the rules and society thrived. Humans helped and treated each other with kindness. Different civilizations grew and their were happiness on Earth.
Andre Oben
The Legend of Alex Brownicus
In the beginning of time, the Earth was unfit to live. There was a God named Alex Brownicus that decided to change it. He took balls of magic, and he accurately threw them to different areas of the world. As the magic balls hit the Earth, life and vegetation spread throughout the entire planet. He built a magic throne, in which he lived in, and he called it the sun. Alex Brownicus moved the sun around the Earth, so he could see all of the land. He was very lonely on Earth, so he filled the land and sea with many different kinds of animals. But that still was not enough. He was still very sad, and he was pressuring himself to be better. So he took a tree and a cow, and he scrambled them together to make humans. The humans’ jobs were to spread throughout the Earth, and use all of the Earth’s resources to improve their quality of life. But the humans had a few jobs. They had to pray to Alex Brownicus thirteen times a day, for that was his favorite number. They humans also had to be kind to everyone, and stay true to who they are. The humans are also forbidden from taking away the life of another human. If this happened, then they too would die.
Gaeton Panepinto
Daitten Age
There was no universe but a spec of nothing. Then in the spec was a small organism the was sick and felt something coming out of him. Then he threw up and this is the reason why we have stomach viruses on Earth. His threw up traveled out wide forming the universe and had never stopped since. This formed Earth and on Earth were these creatures never to be expected that exist.
Before dinosaurs or even organisms were created there were creatures called Daitions. They lived when the earth was just getting created and they was no animals or even life on earth. They had a leader called the King Of Daitt. They built and palace and a civilization. They looked like green human, but they had 4 of everything, legs, arms, eyes, etc. The only part of the Daitions that were normal was the inside of their body. You may ask if they were the only living thing on earth at the time how would they eat well once a month they would have a big dome, this is where they would fight and the losers get used as food. Yes, they were canibals I wouldn’t want to live there. There communication wasn’t really a language it was sign language which is how it originated from.
This time in the earth creation was called the Daitten Age and they are the reason that canibals exist today. They live a happy life a never ending supply of food they had home, families, and everything you wanted to be happy. They thought they were the only civilization but they were other Daitions around the world. Until one group from King Of Daitt empire set a group of Daitions to explore and they found another empire called the Daity Empire. I don’t think the Daity Empire wanted anything to do with the explorers because they just slayed and ate them. This makes the Kind Of Daitt worry and send his army the direction the explorers went just incase something happened. They got they seeing it was another empire and it wasn’t a pleasant sight.
They had the first battle on Earth. The King Of Daitt Empire fought furiously with their wooden tools because there wasn’t any metal or iron yet on earth. After a long battle the Daity Empire retreated run up a hill which they did know was a active volcano. There was a huge boulder on the top of the volcano which they tried to roll down to kill the coming enemies. Didn’t turn out good for them because one of the Daitt Empire men threw their wooden spear making the man fall backwards with the boulder into the volcano. This made the volcano roar making all the soldiers run, but it was to late the volcano eruption it destroyed anything build on earth or that lived on Earth ending the Daitten Age making the world empty again. With all the Dead Daitions body decomposed in the water making new life form which over billions of years forms into humans. This is why the Daitions were a key source to life today.
Eric Perez
Many centuries ago, when the universe wasn’t even a thought of, a large mysterious star came with a large glow. This star was predicted to come by all the underworld gods filled with all the natures and living off what they called Earth. This Earth was supposed to be the best thing in existence and when the starbursted open followed with a loud bang, out came all the trees, water, mountains, valleys, animals, and finally one almighty god. This god was called onto the earth to continue life on earth. First, by creating humans to live on this large beautiful earth. These humans were made to populate the earth and take care of what was now theirs, but the humans don’t know the meaning of the earth or why they were placed onto such a large and vast place and unknown place they still haven’t completely adventured. This go controlled everything that happened including all the deaths, lives brought to the world and one very unfair thing is that if he were to be angry at the whole earth and existence he could destroy the whole thing with one unique snap.
When he created these humans these humans chose the life they lived with, and with this thing called a conscious they created different cultures all around the world in different states, countries, cities, etc. These cultures were the way of life for the people that wanted to follow this way. All the nature that was placed onto the earth helped some but also was a disadvantage for some. Animals were placed onto the earth for food or even as pets of some kind. These animals were the main reason farming became such a great factor of life for everyone. The society nearly everywhere was unfair because they put all the people who have been alive longer to know the ways to get around obstacles. These were called social classes in usually went from top to bottom like so, rulers, rich, merchants, farmers, and slaves/ peasants. This social class nearly was worldwide. Kings and such dictated and made others do whatever they told them to or else they would be tortured and killed. This is the reason that everyone deals with the class they are in because if they were to complain to a king they would be immediately killed.
The society interacted in a way where the poor only interacted with other poor people. The poor never respected the higher because they didn’t like how just because they did things a certain way when the world first started means they rule over others who didn’t. This goes with the rich and beyond. Each class in the society does their only job and nothing more or less. The humans only live within themselves or nature. When more and more people started to populate the earth is when the conflict started. If the people who don’t want conflict or any type of problems with anyone they should just be a nomad basically. When being involved in religions or culture, you have a responsibility, with responsibility causes conflict because not all people want to do what people are enforcing upon them. Being dependant on yourself and no one else brings happiness because when you depend on yourself you can only blame yourself and no one else can argue back or fight back. You need to be your own resource in life when you are positive or better things happen for you.
Brian Tarnopolsky
Before time was created there was only space and duck kingdom and the ancient duck emperor who ruled over his kingdom with a fluffy fist. One day the duck king want to look down from kingdom to the emptiness of space, but was not impressed when he saw the darkness of space. So he ask his eight son and four daughters to draw him pictures of what a beautiful space would be like their eyes looked like.
So they did what there father had asked started drawing what they believed space should look like. After a while the father looked at the drawings and wasn't impressed with what he saw, to be fair he wasn't expecting much since his oldest child was seven years old. The king than spent the next l week looking for an idea to make space beautiful; he looked all across the galaxy and found nothing. Just before he was about to give up he looked at one of baby cradles for his youngest son and saw the different color spheres and small trinkets that were attached to the top.
The father then knew what he would make the universe look like and then used his magical powers to create what he called planets and stars which he compared to the spheres and trinkets. But the king was not impressed with what he made for it was far to bland and would not entraientment him. So he used his powers na gave the planets color and made the big shyphere in the middle full of fire. Still he was underwhelmed so he went to see children for help again and ask them what he could to make space entertaining. Then his youngest child said “why don't you make some friends for me to play with.” So the king took his idea and chose a planet which was suitable to live in and gave it life and created the first humans. From that day on the duck king looked at the universe with enthusiasm and his son had people to play with.