Judges and Women Leaders Trading Cards
Our next challenge will deal with our short unit on Joshua and Judges, as well as Women Leaders we've been exploring the past few days!
You must create six cards using either the Pokemon template posted below or another trading card template of your choice.
-One card must feature Joshua.
-Two cards must feature Judges.
Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah and Barak (Ch 3-4) Gideon (6-9) Jepthah (10-12) Samson (Ch
-And Three cards must feature your favorite famous women leaders.
Each card must present two "abilities" related to its leader with descriptions explaining how the abilities directly connect with accomplishments (or perhaps in the Judges' cases the abilities relate to character flaws) in positions of leadership!
(Please see list of student submitted cards at bottom of page).
Model Card: Joan of Arc Joshua and Judges Cards
Women Leaders
Joshua Cards Creators: Mark Abdelmalik, Zach Brentjens, Sebastian Remache
Judges Cards Creators: Marko Eliashevsky (Samson), Andrew Fernandez (Deborah), Brandon Maniego (Jepthah), Julian Mariscal (Ehud), Gaeton Panepinto (Othniel), Ben Rubin (Jepthah)
Women Leaders Cards Creators: Gavin Coq (Michelle Obama), Jack Giattino (Jennifer Giattino, Tsai-Ing-Wen), Andrew Fernandez (Imelda Marcos, Corazon Aquino), Matt Muller (Amelia Earhart, J.K. Rowling), Cyril Maliakal (Indira Ghandi, Condeleeza Rice, Alexandra Feodorovna), Thomas Matos (Celia Cruz), Keith Miles (Rosa Parks, Queen Elizabeth II, Malala), Jack Severance (Billie Jean King).